Monday, December 17, 2012


I am pleased to announce my new office location in Clayton, MO!

Now booking appointments for January 2013 in Clayton and O'Fallon, Missouri.

The details:

230 South Bemiston Avenue
Suite 430
Clayton, Missouri 63105

120 O'Fallon Plaza
O'Fallon, Missouri 63366

Contact Lisa Krytosek:
Phone:   314.779.4550

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Say NO to Negative Thinking!

Accentuate the Positive

Have you noticed how difficult it can be to maintain a positive outlook?  That seems counter-intuitive to me.  Shouldn’t we want to be happy, without worry and anxiety?  Yet, many people remain stuck in a cycle of negativity with only slight glimpses of happiness.  Even when things are going well in their lives, they are not content.  Why does it seem that some people require the presence of drama and conflict?  Why is their natural focus on the negative?  Curiosity about this topic sent me into research mode and I found out some interesting things about what makes us tick.

Negativity defined:

For our purposes, provides a nice, concise definition:
 Negativity:  Lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like.  

The full definition is an interesting read, if you want to check it out:

Why are we so negative?

So, by definition, a negative focus is not helpful or of any benefit to us.  But the question remains – why do so many people exist in a world of negativity instead of focusing on the positive aspects of life? 
I found a few theories about this.  First, the world is always changing.  Therefore, many view everything in life as temporary.   This perspective makes loss a dominant theme.  Loss is often associated with something negative   In addition, negative outcomes are assumed to be a normal part of life.  Has anyone watched TV or gone to a movie lately?  The news is full of horrendous stories of people in the midst of painful struggles.  The most popular shows tend to be about people in trouble, be it with the law, with a spouse, an alien race, etc.  And, don’t get me started on video games!  The common denominator here is negativity.  We seem to crave it, it makes us feel better about our situation – at least my life isn’t that bad!

What can we do about it?

Are we destined to stay rooted in the negative?  I don’t think so.  There is so much in life to be positive about, even when things are not going our way.  What can we do to increase our positive vibes?  It is really up to each individual because different things make different people happy.  But, here are three things we can all do right now to improve our lives.

Smile – Sounds easy, right?  That’s what I thought - until I did a little experiment.  I wanted to figure out what my natural facial expression was like when I wasn’t thinking about it. Well, the camera doesn’t lie folks, I’m a scowler.  I had no idea!  So, I am now making a conscious effort to be aware of my expression to make sure it matches what I’m really feeling.  Sure, sometimes a scowl is an accurate reflection but, more often than not, a smile is more appropriate.  At first, smiling on command seemed forced but now I can always find something to smile about.  Turn that frown upside down kids!

Think Consciously – My Buddhist buddies call this Conscious Awareness and I like it.  Become aware of what you are thinking and telling yourself.  Negative self-talk can be extremely destructive and is usually not even close to the truth.  Finding a positive spin to bad situations may seem impossible but every effort to do so will bring you closer to a healthy, positive outlook. 

Keep Positive Company - Negativity is a contagion that spreads like wildfire…but so is optimism!  Surrounding yourself with people who are able to maintain a positive attitude in light of adversity will help you from spiraling into a negative funk.  If you find yourself caught in the middle of a friend’s pity party, make an effort to guide them back to the good side.  If they refuse to cooperate and would rather drag you down with them, don’t take the bait!  If necessary, make a quick escape and check on them later by phone, text or emailIn the words of that famous song:  Don't mess with Mr. In Between! 

These are just a few things we can do right now to stop negativity in its tracks.  I highly suggest you try this at home.  I understand that it may be difficult to put a positive spin on things, especially at the outset, but keep trying.  If nothing else, start with the positive fact that you read this entire blog post!